“Colors” : English poem by Erum Javeria
“Colors” : English poem by Erum Javeria How can the sky be so blue? My pain, my sorrow does it have any clue Wondering...
“Colors” : English poem by Erum Javeria How can the sky be so blue? My pain, my sorrow does it have any clue Wondering...
How to say ‘No’ in a Pakistani Work Culture: By Erum Javeria In Pakistan, maintaining healthy relationships with others is highly valued, and this...
Kissi Naam Ki Shanaasi Se: Urdu Nazm by Nabeela کسی نام کی شناسائی سے دربدر رسوائی سے اک عارضہ لاحق ہے اک سلسلہ اجتناب کا...
Akhri Safha: Azad Nazm by Hasnain A Qadir آزاد نظم (آخری صفحہ) کتاب کا آخری صفحہ ہے دل میں امیدیں ہیں کھلی آنکھوں...
The Psychology of Colors: Unlocking the Hidden Influence on Our Emotions and Behaviors” – By Tuba Chaudhary Colors play a significant role in...
Shama: Urdu Ghazal by Zohaib Shah “شَمع” میں اک شَمع ہوں، طوفان غَم نے ہے بُجھایا مُجھ کو اِسی واسطے چند ایک مِزاج، ظالمانہ...
“Once Visited a Graveyard” – By M. Talha Chaudhary Once visited a graveyard A place quite deserted Yet filled with people Just like the...
Yeh Waqt Yeh Halaat: Urdu Ghazal by Ahad Chaudhary یہ وقت یہ حالات میرے پہلی بار ہیں یہ خیال یہ جذبات میرے پہلی بار ہیں...
Can’t you feel them? – English poem by Ahmad Zeeshan Can’t you feel them? They are stabbing my heart Can’t you peruse them? They...
A Flower in Paradise: English poem by By Mohammad Usama Aamir A fragrant flower, In the Garden of Paradise A little soul, so fragile A...
I’ll be Fine with Being: English poem by Hira Mehar Cooing doves fly away from tired willow Though Autumn has not yet arrived, They went...
Contemplating Life: By Raghad Al Salmi Roaming the streets of London, begging for a pound to quiet my starving stomach felt like a noose...
10 Naat Khawans that remain evergreen Naat is an important part of Islam because it is a form of devotional poetry that praises and expresses...
Times: English poem by Rafia Kamran My cardiac muscles wrench when, I miss Us. My nerves constrict when, I look at your pictures, the...
“Too Fleeting is the Moment” – Poem by Hira Mehar I know not a heart that hasn’t left its comfort, Not a soul that lived...
Bachon Ki Zehni Silahayatain: Urdu Article by Tuba Chaudhary “بچوں کی ذہنی صلاحیتوں کی ترویج اور توقعات کی نئی تشریع” ہمارے معاشرے میں...
Might Soldier: English Poem by Elsa Ish The Hardest conflict is waiting, The worst enemy is here for greeting, Mom’s might boy entered in tough...
Yoonhi To Kabhi Halaaat: Ghazal by Qamar Hameed غزل قمر حمید مرزا یونہی تو کبھی حالات نہیں بدلے جب تلک کہ خیالات نہیں ...
Ever Increasing Screen Addiction Among Teenage Students – A Post-Covid Illness Maira has been using her mother’s cell phone since morning as she has to...
Mere Mahbook Sunaon Kya Main Akhbar-e-Shaher: Urdu Nazm by Natiq Ali Gohar میرے محبوب سناؤں کیا میں اخبار شہر نہ تجھے میرا پتا،...
Fatah Ki Sargoshian: By Tuba Chaudhary “فتح کی سرگوشیاں” ملتان کے پرانے گاؤں میں، وسیع کھیتوں اور کھلتے پھولوں کے درمیان بسی ہوئی، انابیہ...
Maa: Urdu Verse by Qamar Hamid ماں – قمر حمید مرزا ان حوادث سے کہہ دو مجھ سے نہ الجھیں میرے ساتھ میری ماں کی ...