Category: Poetry شاعری
Urdu & Punjabi Poems & Poetry شاعری
Echoes OF Heart: Poem by Dua Kayani
Echoes OF Heart: Poem by Dua Kayani In my heart there is a desire to meet my beloved dear Waiting for him with the eyes...
Guzray Waffaa Kartay – Ghazal by Mujeeb-Ur-Rehman Anjum
Guzray Waffaa Kartay – Ghazal by Mujeeb-Ur-Rehman Anjum گزرے وفا کرتے ہوئے وہ غزل زندگی ہے جو دل گنگنا نے یاد میں،...
Tark-e-Ahde-e-Wafaa – Ghazal by Mujeeb-Ur-Rehman Anjum
Tark-e-Ahde-e-Wafaa – Ghazal by Mujeeb-Ur-Rehman Anjum
Renamed Shapes: Poem by Hibah Shabkhez
Renamed Shapes: Poem by Hibah Shabkhez My truest friends are all imaginary I may forget them for months at a time, Or rename them...
Come And Perish By My Boot: Poem by Hibah Shabkhez
Come And Perish By My Boot: Poem by Hibah Shabkhez Spider, spider, come and die, Come and perish by my boot. The foul viciousness...
Jade Dreams: Poem by Hibah Shabkhez
Jade Dreams: Poem by Hibah Shabkhez The pleasant hours spent in slumber In the story-dreams where we walked With dragons, blazing glory, thunder At us...
Kunhar : Poem by Hibah Shabkhez
Kunhar : Poem by Hibah Shabkhez Pouring out of the mountain-nestled crock Which glimmers green, white and blue in the breath Of heaven, the simmering...
Waltz: English poem by Hibah Shabkhez
Waltz: English poem by Hibah Shabkhez My truest friends are all imaginary I may forget them for months at a time, Or rename them to...
Jaarat-e-Mohabbat: Poem by Hamda Rafaaqat
Jaarat-e-Mohabbat: Poem by Hamda Rafaaqat جارتِ محبت چلو، اب ایسا کرتے ہیں کچھ خواب بانٹ لیتے ہیں کچھ حساب بانٹ لیتے ہیں پھر محبت کی...
Sadness: English poem by Macedonian poetess Sanja Atanasovska
Sadness: English poem by Macedonian poetess Sanja Atanasovska I shifted my breath in your sigh. That was the end of it and the beginning of...
Shame: English poem by Macedonian poetess Sanja Atanasovska
Shame: English poem by Macedonian poetess Sanja Atanasovska The madness of love left me when I saw two women shot at the wall. The...
Disarmed: English poem by Macedonian’s poetess Sanja Atanasovska
Disarmed: English poem by Macedonian’s poetess Sanja Atanasovska In love and disarmed to the point of pain I surrender to you even when you...
A dream in my mind: Poem by Hareem Muzaffar
A dream in my mind: Poem by Hareem Muzaffar I love all professions, But I will be a “Doctor.” “Lawyers” are good for “justice,” But...
Coffee colored eyes: English poem by Sanja Atanasovska (poetess from Macedonia)
Coffee colored eyes A cloud fell in the vineyard one man was talking to himself the hills smelled of fire, and the inhabitants of the...
Kuch Khwaab Akhatay Dekhain: Nazm by Hasnain A Qadir
آزاد نظم : کچھ خواب اکھٹے دیکھیں گے : حسنین اے قادر مجھ کو نہ اپنے خواب سنا مت یہ خرابات سنا کیونکہ تیرے ان...
Dance of Senses: Poem by Sobia Awan
Dance of Senses: Poem by Sobia Awan It was a dance of senses A symphony of the souls, A rhythm of existence A treasure of...
Voice Of Palestine: Poem by Asfa Batool
Voice Of Palestine: Poem by Asfa Batool Oh, dear Palestine We all are listening your screams. But, my country is sleeping With all happy dreams....
I stood where nothing I could – Poem by Muneeb Tahir Saleemi
I stood where nothing I could – Poem by Muneeb Tahir Saleemi I stood where nothing I could Oh my child! I knew they...
Healers are peelers: English poem by Muneeb Tahir Saleemi
Healers are peelers: English poem by Muneeb Tahir Saleemi Unfortunately my heart was broken By those whom I expected to be My healers. ...
Bhayanuk Khawaab: Nazm by Hasnain A Qadir
Bhayanuk Khawaab: Nazm by Hasnain A Qadir نظم (بھیانک خواب) میں نے گزشتہ شب اک خواب دیکھا میں نے خواب نہیں عذاب دیکھا میں...
Envy – Poem by Sobia Awan
Envy – Poem by Sobia Awan O Envy, the brat of covetousness, Thou eclipse the mortals with thy Hell of being, Fueled by the deeds...
Moon or You – English poem by Ahmad Zeshan
Moon or You – English poem by Ahmad Zeshan The moon was yours or were you the moon, I lay there wounded, under an...
I am running a never-ending marathon: By Rafia Kamran
I am running a never-ending marathon: By Rafia Kamran I am running a never-ending marathon One with no finish line; that makes my heart pound...