Methods in Business Research Report: IT Department in Organization

methods in business research

methods in business research

Methods in Business Research Report: IT Department in Organization


  1. Please list some of the services that your department performs for the corporation (limit up to 5 only)

Purpose :  The question was asked in order to judge the extent of involvement and influence of the IT department in the organization.


Results  :


Services Number of companies percentage of companies
In-house training 26 52
Budgeting 3 6
System support 16 32
Inventory control 18 36
Trouble shooting 40 80
Program development 24 48
Personnel files 10 20
Sales projections 18 36
Payrolls 35 70
Network support 20 40
E-mail 10 20
Accounting 20 40
Credit analysis 10 20
Total 250


Comments :  The results show that majority of the companies are involved in the corporate functions, with trouble shooting as the main service.



1a. Which of the following telephone services are available to your management staff (please tick in the appropriate year) :

Purpose : The purpose of this question was to determine the level of technology in relation to telephonic services in the organization. The question also determined the future trend.



Results :


services year 1996 percentage year 1998 percentage
voice-mail services 8 16 5 13.89
conference calling 20 40 21 58.33
long distance conf. calling 9 18 10 27.78
other ( regular ) 13 26 0 0
Total 50 100 36 100



Comments : The conference calling facility has been provided by most of the organizations and the focus in the future will also be conference calling.



  1. Which of the following information technology environment is prevalent at your corporation (please tick in the appropriate year) :

Purpose :  The question indicates the general level of sophistication of the computing environment being used by the organization.


Results :


IT environment year 96 percentage year 98 percentage
LAN 16 31.37 8 25
WAN 5 9.8 8 25
Mainframe 14 27.45 3 9.37
Mainframe + LAN 15 29.41 10 31.25
Intranet 1 1.96 3 9.37
Total 51 100 32 100



Comments : Around 32% of the organizations have LAN while an additional 30% have LAN connected to a mainframe.  The Intranet is not a prospect for the near future as only 10% companies plan to have it in two years time.



  1. How many PCs does your department support :


Purpose : The question was designed to find out the types of PCs currently being used by the multinationals and the future trends.


Result :

Number 486 Percentsge Pentiums Percentage
YEAR 1996
1 – 50 32 64 30 60
51 – 100 10 20 15 30
101 – 150 5 10 3 6
151 – 200 3 6 2 4
Total 50 100 50 100
YEAR 1998
1 – 50 40 80 20 40
51 – 100 4 8 16 32
101 – 150 6 12 8 16
151 – 200 0 0 6 12
Total 50 100 50 100



Comments : Majrotiy (64% and 60%) are currently using less than 50 486s and pentiums but the future trend is in favour of pentiums with 60% of the multinationals using more than 50 pentiums.






  1. What networking environment, if any, is in place (please tick in the appropriate year) :

Purpose : The most widely used networking environment is identified in order to gauge the technology prevalent at different multinationals.


Results :


Networking Environment year 96 percentage year 98 percentage
Novell Netware 28 56 8 40
Windows NT 9 18 12 60
Win. For workgroups 2 4 0 0
UNIX 7 14 0 0
others 4 8 0 0
Total 50 100 20 100



Comment : At present 56% of the companies use Novell Netware but for the near future majority (60%) of the companies are shifting to Windows NT.




  1. Which of the following software/groupware are installed (please tick in the appropriate year) :

Purpose : This question was  asked to gauge the most widely used software in order to determine the current usage and the future trend in multinationals.


Results :


Software year 96 percentage year 98 percentage
Win – MS office suite 38 76 2 9.09
WordPerfect suite 18 36 0 0
Lotus notes 20 40 4 18.18
Oracle 10 20 13 59.09
SAS 0 0 3 13.63
other 10 20 0 0
Total 96 100 22 100




Comments : MS office is the most popular software with 76% of the companies using it, while in the future 60% of the companies plan to implement Oracle.




  1. What percentage of the management staff in your corporation currently has access to a local (company wide) e-mail system (please tick in the appropriate year) :

Purpose : The question was intended to measure the availability of e-mail to the management staff. Future direction of e-mail availability was also measured.


Results :


percentage of management year 96 percentage year 98 percentage
>75% 13 26 3 8.57
>50% but <75% 0 0 5 14.27
>25% but <50% 3 6 7 20
<25% but available 16 32 17 48.57
none 18 36 3 8.57
Total 50 100 35 100



 Comments : Majority (68%) of the companies either don’t have e-mail at all or the service is available to less than 25% of the staff. The trend in the future is slightly better with approximately 90% of the companies intending to provide at least 25% of their management staff with e-mail service.



6a. Is your management staff able to freely exchange e-mail between more than one company site in Pakistan.

Purpose : The purpose of this question was to measure the connectivity between a company’s sites in Pakistan.


Results :


Response Number of companies percentage
Yes 22 44
No 28 56
Total 50 100



Comments : Only 44% of the companies have e-mail facility between their sites in Pakistan.





6b . Is your management staff able to freely exchange e-mail Internationally.

Purpose : This question measured the connectivity of the multinationals internationally.


Results :


Response Number of companies percentage
Yes 33 66
No 17 34
Total 50 100



Comments : The international connectivity of multinationals is better than their national connectivity with 66% of the companies providing their management staff with international e-mail facility.







6c. Which media are you using to connect internationally.

Purpose: The purpose of this question was to find the technology most preferred by multinationals to connect internationally.




Media Number of companies percentage
VSAT 3 6
Regular phone lines to Internet service provider 23 46
56 kb dedicated line 0 0
T-1 dedicated line 2 4
ISDN 20 40
other 2 4
Total 50 100




Comments :  Most of the companies use ISDN or the regular phone lines through Internet service providers. Only three companies use VSAT and all of them use 9.6 kb link.



6d. Are you currently conducting conference calls with two or more parties outside your PABX?

Purpose: The question was asked to find out the number of companies using this facility.




Response Number of companies Percentage
Yes 3 6
No 47 94
Total 50 100



Comments :  The conference call facility outside the PABX is used by only 6% of the companies.




6e. What kinds of applications do you foresee over the next two years that would increase your demand for bandwidth.

Purpose : The question was asked to find out the applications that multinational managers associate with bandwidth demand.


Result :

Applications Number of companies Percentage
Video-conferencing 8 25.00
LAN enhancement 10 31.25
LOTUS Notes 3 9.38
Increased sites 9 28.13
Others 2 6.25
Total 32 100



Comment : Only 64 %  of the interviewees responded to this question and out of those 25 % associated video conferencing with increase in brand width, 31.25 % with LAN enhancement, 28.13 with increased sites.




  1. Is your management staff able to browse the World Wide Web (Internet) from their PCs?

Purpose: The mode and the availability of the usage of WWW in the companies was measured through this question.




Response Number of companies percentage
No, not at all 23 46
Yes 3 6
No, but through a central machine 14 28
No, but will be able to next year 10 20
Total 50 100



Comments : Majority (46%) of the companies do not provide their employees with the facility to browse the World Wide Web.



  1. Does your company (Pakistan Ltd.) have a Web page or Web site :


Purpose : The question was designed to find out the number of companies thinking to develop a Web page or Web site.


Result :


Response Number of companies percentage
No 41 82
No, but will have one next year 8 16
Yes 1 2
Total 50 100



Comment : Only one company has a Web page while 16% of the companies are thinking of developing a Web page or a Web site next year.



  1. Does your company subscribe to any on-line news or information services :


Purpose : The question was asked to find out the potential of on-line services in the corporate world.


Result :


Response Number of companies percentage
yes 4 8
no 46 92
Total 50 100



Comments : Only 8% of the companies use on-line news services with all of them using Reuters service.





  1. Please circle the appropriate number to highlight the level of availability, where 1 is shortage and 5 is (abundance) excess, of the following :

(I) Trained information technology staff for your department.


Purpose : The level of confidence of the IT managers on their staff was measured through this question.


Result :


Level of availability number of companies percentage
one 0 0
two 5 10
three 13 26
four 23 46
five 9 18
Total 50 100



Comments :  Majority(64%)  of the IT managers have a fair degree of confidence on their employees.


  1. Please circle the appropriate number to highlight the level of availability, where 1 is shortage and 5 is (abundance) excess, of the following :

(II) Appropriate equipment for your needs.

Purpose : The equipment quality and the level of satisfaction was measured with the help of this question.


Result :


Level of availability Number of companies percentage
one 0 0
two 0 0
three 10 20
four 31 42
five 9 18
Total 50 100



Comment : Majority (60%) of the managers are satisfied with their equipment.





  1. Please circle the appropriate number to highlight the level of availability, where 1 is shortage and 5 is (abundance) excess, of the following :

(III) After sales and software support services.

Purpose : The current status of the sales and software support services by the vendors in the information industry was measured by this question.


Result :


Level of availability Number of companies percentage
one 0 0
two 5 10
three 23 46
four 20 40
five 2 4
Total 50 100



Comment : Majority (46%) of the managers rated the after sales and support services as average.





  1. Please circle the appropriate number to highlight the level of availability, where 1 is shortage and 5 is (abundance) excess, of the following :

(IV) Training and development resources

Purpose : The question determined the level of satisfaction of the IT managers on their company’s training and development resources.


Result :


Level of availability Number of companies percentage
one 3 6
two 8 16
three 4 8
four 28 56
five 7 14
Total 50 100



Comment : Majority (56%) of the managers rank their training facilities above average.








  1. Please circle the appropriate number to highlight the level of availability, where 1 is shortage and 5 is (abundance) excess, of the following :

(V) Quality networking or IT consultants.

Purpose : The question measured the satisfaction with the networking facilities of the IT consultants.


Result :


Level of availability Number of companies percentage
one 8 17.39
two 5 10.87
three 13 28.26
four 12 26.09
five 8 17.39
Total 46 100



Comment : Only 92% of the mangers responded to this question and out of those 29% rated the services as three while 27% rated them as four.


  1. Please circle the appropriate number to highlight the level of availability, where 1 is shortage and 5 is (abundance) excess, of the following :

(VI) Bandwidth

Purpose : The question was asked to find out if the managers are satisfied with their bandwidth available.


Result :


Level of availability Number of companies percentage
one 4 12.5
two 0 0
three 13 40.63
four 15 46.88
five 0 0
Total 32 100



Comment : Only 64% of the managers responded to this question and out of those 41% ranked it three while 47% ranked it at four.

  1. What kinds of services would you like to see being offered by vendors in the information industry in:
  2. Products
  3. Services
  4. Training

Purpose : The question was asked to find out the services that the multinationals want from the local infomation technology vendors.


Results :



Products Number of managers Percentage
Communication equip. 12 24
High speed lines 25 50
Software development 10 20
Other 3 6
Total 50 100



Comment : 50 % of the respondents demanded high speed lines by the Internet service providers.




  1. What kinds of services would you like to see being offered by vendors in the information industry in:
  2. Products
  3. Services
  4. Training

Purpose : The question was asked to find out the services that the multinationals want from the local infomation technology vendors.


Results :



Services Number of companies Percentage
After sales 23 46
Trained consultants 15 30
Product informatioin 10 20
Other 2 4
Total 50 100



Comments : The managers emphasised the importance of afgter sales service with 46 % of the respondents saying that after sales szervice was desired by the local information industry vendors.





  1. What kinds of services would you like to see being offered by vendors in the information industry in:
  2. Products
  3. Services
  4. Training

Purpose : The question was asked to find out the services that the multinationals want from the local infomation technology vendors.


Results :



Services Number of companies Percentage
Local training 27 54.00
Qualified  Specialists 14 28.00
Up-to-date Knowledge 6 12.00
Other 3 6.00
Total 50 100



Comments : Majority (54%) of the managers desired more local training from the local information industry vendors.


  1. Which of the following sources do you use for your planning? (You can tick more than one).

Purpose : The question was asked to determine the major factor on which the organization develops its plans for the IT department.


Results :


Sources Number of companies percentage
Guidelines from overseas headquarters 43 51.19
Local consultants in Pakistan 20 23.81
Technology vendors in Pakistan 15 17.86
Engineering/Industry associations 3 3.57
others (self-reliant) 3 3.57
Total 84 100



Comments : Majority (52%) of the companies use overseas guidelines for their IT planing.



  1. Are you a member of a professional association of information systems managers in Pakistan :

Purpose : The question was asked to find the popularity of professional organizations in IT managers.


Result :


Response Number of people percentage
yes 8 16
no 42 84
Total 50 100




Comments : Only eight respondents were members of the Pakistan Computer Society.



  1. Please list the last conferrence or seminar you attended on information industry :

Purpose : The question was asked to find out how many people had attended semijnars or conferences overseas and how many in Pakistan.


Result :


Response Number of people percentage
Overseas 6 12
Pakistan 44 88
Total 50 100



Comments : Majority (88%) of the IT managers attended seminars in Pakistan.

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