:::::::::::::::::: To the reverence of Word, which makes sacred the tip of a Pen :::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: لفظ کی حرمت کے نام ، جو نوک ِ قلم پر احرام بندھتا ہے :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Movie Reviews: Bend it like Beckham and The Warrior
British cinema’s interest in desi culture continues. Two contrasting films made by English-Indian directors have recently been released to commercial and critical acclaim in the...
Information Technology System of Artal Restaurants Ltd. [KFC Pakistan] – A Report
KFC®, the world’s largest fried and rotisserie chicken restaurants chain, offer great tasting complete meals and snacks in nearly 10,000 restaurants around the world. KFC...
Stripping Away Beauty – By A. Bashir
Driving through that thick traffic on that congested road triggered my nostalgic journey through the memory lane. Looking back into the past not too long...
Reflections During a US Visa Grind – By Z. Riaz
This isn’t merely an account of the current conditions for visitors to the US Embassy in Islamabad. It is also a comment on the mindsets...
Feasibility Report for Business: Islamabad Medical and Dental College
Feasibility Report for Business: Islamabad Medical and Dental College Unique Selling Point of Kuality Consultants We at quality consultants offer you an unmatched deal that...
Process of Assessment of the Strengths and Weaknesses of Organizations
Process of Assessment of the Strengths and Weaknesses of Organizations In the article named “Defining Corporate Strengths and Weaknesses”, written by Howard H. Stevenson...
Shahnawaz Limited Pakistan – A Company Report
Shahnawaz Limited Pakistan – A Company Report Executive Summary: Shahnawaz Limited computer division is providing private and public sectors with different kinds of computer equipment’s...
Mahawra Ma-bain Khuda O Insaan – Allama Iqbal’s Pyaam e Mashriq
Mahawra Ma-bain Khuda O Insaan – Excerpt from Allama Iqbal’s Pyaam e Mashriq [Message from the East] This short Persian Poem by Allama Iqbal seems...
Yesterday’s Failures are Today’s Successes
The law of unintended consequences During most of my working life I have relied on analysing government policies and programs to put daal-roti on the...
The most tragic story of Aruna Shanbaug – By H. Nambiar
Aruna Shanbaug is one of the many gutsy girls who knew her worth and sought what she wanted. As an eighteen- year-old lass she left...
The Power of Faith – By N. Akram
As the saying goes: The Lord has a mysterious way of doing things. He certainly does, as I was to realize after 40 years of...
The Dancing Girl of Mohenjo-daro – By S. Mausoof
I first experienced TEOTWAWKI (The end of the world as we know it) as a lead up to Y2K. It salivated the appetite of the...
Textile Industry of Pakistan – An Analysis
Textile Industry of Pakistan – Industry Overview Textile industry is the largest manufacturing industry in Pakistan and employs around 25 million people. In 1947, there...
Use of Internet in Healthcare – By Dr. B. Hussain & Dr. S.A.Rajput
Introduction Existing Healthcare Systems Billing and Financial Systems Administration Patient Registration Pharmacy Laboratories Radiology Future Applications Telemedicine Computerized Patient Record (CPR) Education Research Obstacles and...