Mansoor Hallaj reply to Allama Iqbal – Verses from Javed Nama

Mansoor Alhaaj was Sufi mystic from Persia who was crucified for exclaiming Ana ul Haq ( I am the Truth). Since Haq is one of the names of Allah, it was considered a claim to divinity. After many religious scholars condemned, he was ordered to be executed at orders of Abaasid Caliph Al Muqtadir. In Javed Nama, Iqbal’s visits heavens with Mevlana Rumi as his guide. There are 3 souls who are too restless for Heavens: Mansoor Alhaaj , Mirza Ghalib and Quratulain Táhirih [an actress who became influential follower of Bahai sect].

Iqbal asks Mansoor what he said was the revelation of Khudi, then why he was persecuted by ignorant people? Here is Mansoor reply, in Persian with Urdu translation. It says People denied their own Self, their Khudi. They believed in divine Noor, but became unaware of Naar, the fire and passion of knowing yourself [Khudi]. Mansoor then warns Iqbal to be careful that people also treat him as blasphemous for revealing the secrets of Khudi.

Read the entire verses with translation below

Mansoor Hallaj reply to Allama Iqbal – Javed Nama 1

Mansoor Hallaj reply to Allama Iqbal – Javed Nama 1

Mansoor Hallaj reply to Allama Iqbal - Javed Nama 2

Mansoor Hallaj reply to Allama Iqbal – Javed Nama 2

Mansoor Hallaj reply to Allama Iqbal - Javed Nama 3

Mansoor Hallaj reply to Allama Iqbal – Javed Nama 3

All poetry of Iqbal is in public domain as he never copyrighted it. It can be reproduced or distributed without permission of Ravi Magazine. 


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